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![]() Shambhala WAS FINDED, the wonderworking gate of Eden was recorded in video ![]() The World Mountain (Olympus, Qaf, Meru, Sumeru, Yungdrung Gutsek, in the Bible − Mountain Zion) and, accordingly, Shambhala was discovered. The process of wonderworking arisen of Kalachakra Mandala from light on the plateau of the Shambhala WAS RECORDED in VIDEO (the size of this mandala − little less of the one kilometer). The set wonderworking RUNIC SIGNS was discovered on Sacred Mountains (all of them ARE PHOTOGRAPHED). The proofs are unassailable.
The writer of this article − the doctor, professor of eniology MAEN − Avak Avakyan. The Krasnoyarsk Institute of Eniology MAEN. RF.
Shambhala was discovered!!! The ancient religions of all peoples describe this paradise country − the native land of mankind. The religions names of paradise country: Shambhala, Eden, Avalon, Annwn, Yomi−no−Kuni, Ol−mo lung−ring, … The ancient DESCRIPTION of paradise native land of mankind and indicating of ADDRESS of this sacred land − is equally in all religions. Many people search this land: − search in Tibet, in Iraq, on Sri−Lanka, on Altai, … − but people DO NOT search this land in address, which was indicating in ancient world; despite of the fact: many ancient texts indicated THE NAME of this paradise country!!! And the majority of people has gained the faith: this paradise country is a world of spirits, or fantastic metaphore; despite of the fact: the ancient religions describe that the first people lived in paradise country in the flesh and NOT «after the coffin». In the center of paradise country, according to the ancient descriptions of all cultures, is situated a World Mountain. This mountain have a many names: Olympus, Qaf, Meru, Sumeru, Yungdrung Gutsek, in the Bible − Mountain Zion. Where the biblical God Sabaoth lives? [8−18] «in Mount Zion». And where is situated the Mountain Zion? [13−5] «from a far country, from the farthest part of heaven», [14−13] «in the inmost parts of the north», [9−2] «in the land of the deepest night», where «the people who went in the dark», and above the Mount Zion − [4−5] «the shining of a flaming fire by night». It is quotations of the book of the Prophet Isaiah − the central Prophet of the Old Testament. Zion was finded in this indicated land − in the center of the … Kola peninsula!!! As was said, sometimes the ancient texts indicates the name of paradise country. The Shinto (Japanese religion) indicates: paradise country is situated in the fringe of west (concerning the Japan), and paradise native land of mankind have a name: «Yomi−no−Kuni» («Yomi−Country»). Country of Yomi − this is a historical ancient name of Finland. The Tibetan religion Yungdrung Bon (the native religion of Tibet) indicates: this paradise country is situated in the fringe of northwest from the mountain Kailash, and name of this paradise country is «Ol−mo lung−ring» (this word is sounding as a typical Scandinavian word). Yungdrung Bon describes: the holy land Ol−mo lung−ring is included in the structure of huge kingdom, which − northern third of Eurasia. The name of the paradise country in Buddhism − Shambhala. Shambhala is described as the Hidden Kingdom of the North; in Tibet the Shambhala have name: «Chang Shambhala» − that in translation: «North Shambhala». «The great Shambhala is situated in the big distance behind ocean. … Only in the some places in the fringe of the North You can see a shining beams of Shambhala. … do not speak me only about celestial Shambhala, but speak me and about terrestrial Shambhala; because Thee (also as I am) know, that terrestrial Shambhala is connected with celestial Shambhala. And in this place this two worlds are connect.». These text Nicholas Rorich has heard from one Tibetan lama. The names of the Kola peninsula in the Ancient Russia was: «Turya» and «Kola». The word «Turya» has generated the word «Tulya» − the name of paradise country in the ancient arabic mythology. In the ancient words we see «R» instead of «L» and «L» instead of «R» often. Ancient Roman name of the paradise country is: «Thule»; the «father» of this word is «Turya». The word «Thule» we can listen in the names of the Kola rivers: «THULoma», «THULEyok», and in the name of the cape «Turey» in the Kola peninsula (this name have a two transcriptions: «Turey» and «Tuley»). The words «Kola», «Kole» and «Kolskiy» is a very ancient, and this is a different transcriptions of the word «Thule». If we see on the different transcriptions of this word, we see the name of the capital of Shambhala: «Kalapa». The words «Kola» and «Kala» are synonyms; the translation of this words: «Circle», «Wheel». … The ancient religions sometimes describe the World Mountain and neighborhood, which is situating around of the World Mountain. The myth about the World Mountain is situating in the foundation of the all ancient religions. The World Mountain is a center of the world, throne of gods and native land of souls. The ancient religions speak: in the center of the paradise country is situating the lake of the gods; the mountains stand around of this lake. The name of this paradise lake in Buddhism and Hinduism is «Anavatapta» − this word in translation: «Heat−Free». Also the Arabian mythology describes the paradise lake: al−Hawdh − Pond of Muhammad; moslems drink from this lake in paradise. The Chuvash mythology describes the paradise milk lake Setle Kule, which located near the World Mountain − «Mother−Mountain» Ama Tu. … The Hindu mythology describes: this lake located near the southern declivity of the World Mountain; on the southern declivity of the World Mountain (the name of the World Mountain in Hinduism is «Sumeru») is situating the World Tree − Tree of Life; the name of this tree: − «Jambu» (in translation − «the Pink Aple tree») and it is simultaneously the tree and the river, which pour from top of the Mountain Sumeru. This river pour water to the lake Anavatapta. And the form of the World Mountain − Mountain Sumeru − is a “the corner of declivity of roof is reduced above the loft” − as form of the Kailash mountain. The ancient Arabian mythology describe the paradise river too, and indicates: the al−Kawthar paradise milk river pour from the center of paradise from the throne of Allah. The paradise milk river is described in the Hindu mythology too. The name of paradise in the mythology of the Ancient Russia − «Belovodye» (that in translation: «White water»). In the center of Belovodye is situated the World Mountain − «White Alatir−Gora» − the throne of Svarog (Svarog = Sabaoth = Allah). The paradise white river pour from the center of Belovodye. The name of the World Mountain in Arabian mythology is «Qaf». The Islamic writer (XII century of AD) Shihab al−Din Suhravardi in his book «The Crimson Archangel» indicated: the Mountain Qaf «STANDS ON FRINGE OF THE WORLD» and on the Mountain Qaf is situating the World Tree (the name of this tree − «Tuba»). The Semitic word «Qaf» in translation − «Fringe». «The Qaf Country» − this is a Persian and Phenician name of the northern fringe of the inhabited lands (this is a northern fringe of the Eurasia). In Russian language «tur» and «tul» in the words in translation − «fringe». («vyTURit» = lead out to the fringe, «pryTULit» = put on the fringe). … The foregoing text − this is a very exact detailed description of the lake Big Vudyavr and the mountain Yuksporr on the coast of this lake in the Kola Peninsula. Yuksporr have the form “the corner of declivity of roof is reduced above the loft” (the form of the Kailash mountain is a similar). On the southern declivity of the Yuksporr mountain we can see a big avalanche channel; the form of this channel is a form of the tree − this is a World Tree Jambu; and in spring, when the snow thaw on the Yuksporr, this channel is riverbed, and the water pour (in this channel) to the lake Big Vudyavr. And we can see the river, which pour from the lake Big Vudyavr; the name of this river − «Big White»!!! All burial mounds and pyramids are temples of the World Mountain. The pharaoh of Ancient Egypt Snefru (the father of Khufu) has built the pyramid (in Dahshur); this pyramid (nowadays the name of this pyramid − «Bent Pyramid») have the form “the corner of declivity of roof is reduced above the loft” (as form of the Kailash). Egyptologists can not explain the cause of building of a pyramid of such form. One of their hypotheses indicates: the egyptians has changed the corner of declivity of a pyramid, because pyramid could fall. (You understood? «The pyramid fell!!» = Kolobok has hung; and Pinocchio has drowned!!!). Other hypothesis indicates: the egyptians has changed the corner of declivity of a pyramid, because the builders wanted to finish the work to the some «great date». However, the historical fact: the Bent Pyramid of Snefru was the key holy center of adoration in epoch of Middle Kingdom in Egypt. If this pyramid was designed as is not “bent”, but in the process of construction the implementation of the original project was unfeasible, − the process of construction will be stoped; and we will can see the not complete pyramid. If the process of construction was not stoped, the egyptians will see a architectural error and this architectural error not will be shrine!! But we understand the cause of the form of this pyramid, if we see the form of the mountains Kailash and Yuksporr and see: − this temple of the World Mountain replicates the form of the original − the form of the mountain Yuksporr.
In july 2004 the writer of this publication has arrived in Shambhala. Result of this trip − many scientific discoverys and unchallengeable evidences, namely: the mountains and some other objects of Shambhala (in neighborhood of the Kyrovsk of Murmansk area, Kola peninsula, the mountains Hybyni) are signed by RUNES!!! This runes are huge, similar to pictures on the plateau Nazca («Nazca Lines»)!!! The each rune exactly explains semantics of object (information about object with rune or object, in which we can see this rune). On the World Mountain (Yuksporr) IS WRITTEN BY RUNES: this is a World Mountain and throne of supreme god!!!! On the southern declivity Yuksporr we can see a huge white rune Eur (Yr, Calc) − sign of the World Mountain (as a foot of pigeon. Nowadays this rune in the circumference have name «Pacific»; pacific − the sign of the pacifists.). The version of this rune in Judaism − •MENORAH• (the sign of the World Mountain Zion), in Buddhism − the •Sign of Lotus• (the sign of the World Mountain Meru). On the mountain range Yuksporr behind the gorge Gakmana we can see a huge rune − sign of Jupiter (supreme Roman god − equivalent of biblical Sabaoth). This rune indicates, that Yuksporr is Olympus!!! Near the Yuksporr is located the Mountain of Deceaseds − Kukis. On the Kukis (Kukis is the part of the mountain range Kukisvumjorr) we can see a huge rune Sa (as the character «Я». «Sa» is name of this rune in Egypt, India and Japan; in Scandinavia the name of this rune − «Raido», the slavonic name of this rune − «Raduga») − a primary ancient sign of the angel of death («Kuyva» − the name of the angel of death in the the sami mythology). This rune indicating, that the Mountain of Deceaseds is not Angvundasjorr, not Kuyvjorr, not Yumyejorr; the Mountain of Deceaseds is Kukis. On the mountain Rasvumjorr we can see the rune − especial swastika: the circumference without sector with four swastika hooks (as «L»). This swastika have the direction − counterclockwise. The hole in the circumference − as Black Stone Aswad in Kaaba in Mecca − indicates the side of start the ritual: counterclockwise go round of the holy mountains. The name of this ritual in India is «Kora», in arabic countries − «Tawaf». Only the listing of this discovered runes − the not thin brochure!!! In July 2007 the writer of this publication has visited Shambhala again, and discovered: THE ALL RUNES OF SHAMBHALA ARE WONDERWORKING!!!! The white runes are made from the water soluble salt. This is − as brick with whitewashing. The rains wash off this salt, and we do not see the white runes after the rain. But after few hours after the rain we can see the salt exact on the this runes. The writer of this publication has not saw the creeks (for carries of this salt) in neighborhood of this runes. We can see not only «salt−runes» in the Shambhala. On the mountain Poajvumjorr on the Eastern end of this mountain range we can see a huge rune Trishula (trident of Shiva, as the musical symbol «triole» and Russian character «Э»). The height of this trishula − third of mountain Poajvumjorr!! This rune is dark in the summer, it is vertical and good polished, and does not cover by snow in the winter, and we can see this trishula from the huge spacing in winter. … If You SEE this Kola complex, You can understand the wisdom of the ancient religions; and You can SEE the interpretation errors in religions!! When the writer of this publication has seen the lake Small Vudyavr from the top of the Mountain of Deceaseds (Kukis) at 2004, − has SEEN a secret of the Excalibur Sword. Only from the top of the Mountain Kukis we can see: the lake Small Vudyavr is the rune too − the rune Trishula!!! The irish myths about the King Arthur describe: the nymph of the lake in the Avalon («Avalon» is the celtic name of the northern paradise native land of mankind − the country of the gods; the author of this article indicates: this is a Kola peninsula) gives the Excalibur Sword to King Arthur; this sword gives the invincibility. After Arthur has died, this nymph has withdrewed the Excalibur Sword to her Avalon lake. In the Vietnamese clone of this myth, the tortoise of the lake gives the sword, which gives the invincibility. In the finish of this myth, this sword was returned to this lake, then this lake has gained the name: «Lake of the Returned Sword» (the lake Hoan Kiem in the center of Hanoi). This lake have a second name: «Sword Lake». The hindu Messiah Shiva have the sword, which gives the invincibility. This sword of Shiva − Trishula!!! Many religions indicates: Messiah waits the Final Epoch in the mountain in the fringe of the north. The Classic examples − Mithras (in the mythology of the Ancient Rome) and Mher the Younger (in the mythology of the Ancient Armenia). Mithras, Mher the Younger, Perun, Thor and Shiva are identical. Trishula is a version of the Mjolnir and it is historical sign of the Ancient Russia (nowadays we can see a trishula on the blazon of Ukraine − this is a new version of the sign of the Ancient Russia). Mjolnirs (the signs of Messiah. Mjolnir also known as «St. Anthony's Triple Tau Cross» − the sum of the three tau cross and end of Testament, the punishing hammer of Messiah.) on the both ends of the mountain range Poajvumjorr (two runes); the name «Poajvumjorr», in translation − «The mountain range of a deer» (deer in Buddhism and in Scandinavian mythology is a symbol of Messiah); and the rune Isa (the vertical white line, this rune located near the Trishula; the slavonic name of this rune − «Istok». This rune is a symbol of the start of new epoch − the epoch of paradise; this epoch will be created by Messiah), − the all of this facts indicates: the mountain Poajvumjorr is a home of Messiah. And the lake Small Vudyavr − big water−Trishula, which situated near the Poajvumjorr, − this is a Excalibur Sword!!! «… do not speak me only about celestial Shambhala, but speak me and about terrestrial Shambhala; because Thee (also as I am) know, that terrestrial Shambhala is connected with celestial Shambhala. And in this place this two worlds are connect.» [Nicholas Rorich]. In the Shambhala is situated «the crack between the worlds», − the door between a World of the Yav and World of the Nav («Yav» and «Nav» − words of slavonic mythology; in the books of Carlos Castaneda: «Yav» = «Tonal», «Nav» = «Nagual»). The ancient religions identically describe a LOCATION of this door. The Arabian mythology speaks: the Kaaba in Mecca is a local temple of the Paradise Kaaba, which located in paradise. The descriptions of this PLATEAU (the Paradise Kaaba) we can see in the ancient religions of the Japan, India, Tibet, Arabian countries and Mesoamerica!!! «There is a crack between the two worlds… There is a place where the two worlds overlap. The crack is there. … After this journey the man arrives at a sort of plateau. … It is a plane above the ground. … On top of that plateau is the entrance to that other world. And there stands a skin that separates the two worlds. Dead men go through it without a noise, but we have to break it with an outcry.». Carlos Castaneda has written this text in the end of his First Book (this book about the Toltec Religion). The Japanese religion Shinto indicated: in the center of the Country of Yomi (which is situated in the fringe of west concerning the Japan) we can see the Plane PLATEAU of Yomi − Yomotsu Hirasaka. The door between a World of the Yav and World of the Nav is situated on the plateau Yomotsu Hirasaka. The name of the paradise country in Buddhism − Shambhala. Buddhism describe: in the center of the Shambhala we can see the «RAISED PLATEAU»; on this plateau is located the Kalachakra Mandala. The most precise description of this Gate to the World of the Nav we can see in the Kalachakra Tantra in the description of the Kalapa (Kalapa is the capital city of the Shambhala). In the texts of Kalachakra Tantra we reads: the first king of Shambhala is Suchandra. Sakyamuni Buddha has given the texts of Kalachakra to Suchandra. King Suchandra has created the huge Kalachakra Mandala in the Kalapa. This mandala have four entry; this entrys locate in the north, west, south and east side of this mandala. If person go into the centre of this mandala, in this centre he goes to the World of the Nav (to the Celestial Shambhala). In the celtic mythology this door to the World of the Nav − is a fortress Caer Sidi in the Annwn; the myth about the Holy Grail is a version of the myth about the fortress Caer Sidi. In the chinese mythology this door to the World of the Nav − is a Jade Palace, which locate on the World Mountain. We can see the description of this door in the Bible too; this is a Heaven Jerusalem on the mountain Zion (this description − in the «The Revelation to Saint John»; it is a version of the myth about the fortress Caer Sidi too). In 2004 the writer of this publication has recorded this phenomenon − this real miracle of the real paradise − on VHSC video. On this cassette we see: on the south wall of the plateau Kukisvumjorr has arisen the Kalachakra Mandala from light. In the beginning we see: this mountain wall is a uniformly dark. Then on this wall has arisen the orange cross; then this figure was transformed to a circumference with four swastika hooks, and in the hoop of this figure has arisen «the petals of flower»!!! This swastika−mandala have the direction − counterclockwise; the size of this mandala − little less of the one kilometer. The PROCESS of arise of a «Crop Circles» is not recorded on the video, and THIS IS A FIRST RECORDING OF THIS PHENOMENON IN THE WORLD!!! This mandala does not exist continuously, but sometimes this mandala have arisen again − exact on this place of this declivity of the plateau Kukisvumjorr. You can find the photographies of this mandala in the Internet; the different people has created this photographies per different years!!! And all this people has not noticed to this mandala, as if this is a normal light on the landscape. The people has not noticed to the runes too. This recording of the wonderworking Kalachakra Mandala on the plateau Kukisvumjorr is a unassailable proof: the «Raised Plateau» in the center of the Shambhala from the Buddhism mythology is the plateau Kukisvumjorr!!! This mandala Kukisvumjorr is a swastika. The World Mountain have name «Yungdrung Gutsek» in the Tibetan religion Yungdrung Bon. The word «Yungdrung» in translation − «Swastika». This fact indicates: the mountain Yungdrung Gutsek is the plateau Kukisvumjorr. Opposite the plateau Kukisvumjorr the mountain range Poajvumjorr have the form of Kuyva («Kuyva» − the name of the angel of death in sami mythology in the Kola peninsula; Kuyva − the black hooded cloak of monk without face; in Hinduism: Kuyva = Kali). This fact indicates: Kuyva (Death) carries (undermined) the souls to the «crack between the two worlds» − to the Kalachakra Mandala. In mythology the mandala is a «two dimensional portrait» of the palace of god. ![]()
Hinduism indicates: the god Shiva is situated on the Mountain of Swastika Yungdrung Gutsek. The proof of this postulate we can see from the town Kyrovsk of Murmansk area: near the top of the plateau Kukisvumjorr we can see the huge glacier−rune Trishula − the sign of the god Shiva. Is on line of the mandala−declivity of the plateau Kukisvumjorr we can see a declivity of the nearby plateau − the plateau «Southern Kukisvumjorr» (this plateau located between the mountain Kukis and the plateau Kukisvumjorr). On this declivity the writer of this article has discovered the similar figure (as Kalachakra Mandala), which was created from the white salt. This is a huge swastika with center−circumference and clockwise direction. This swastika is a largest rune near the Kyrovsk, and this rune is a most difficult visible. The size of this rune − ½ of the height of this mountain. The author of this publication has discovered the magnetic ground (the small stones clung (strong clung) to the round magnet of the big speaker) in the center of the circumference of this swastika. In the neighborhood mountains the magnetic ground is absent. In the center−circumference of this swastika the writer of this article has discovered the strangely loud echo (shout has loud repeats as in the canyon); near this round the echo is absent. Discovering the World Mountain − this is a global discovery. The World Mountain is a object, which generated the all ancient religions. If we can equitably study this object, this is a finish of the epoch of wars of different FAITHS and this is a start of the epoch of KNOWLEDGE. The prophesy about the discovering the World Mountain we can see in the Bible: «18−7 In that time an offering will be made to the Lord of armies from a people tall and smooth, causing fear through all their history; a strong nation, crushing down its haters, whose land is cut through by rivers, an offering taken to the place of the name of the Lord of armies, even Mount Zion. 2−2 … the mountain of the Lord will be placed on the top of the mountains, and be lifted up over the hills; and all nations will come to it. 2−3 And the peoples will say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob: and he will give us knowledge of his ways, and we will be guided by his word … 2−4 … and their swords will be turned into plough−blades, and their spears into vine−knives: no longer will the nations be turning their swords against one another, and the knowledge of war will be gone for ever. 35−8 And a highway will be there; its name will be, The Holy Way … and those who go on it will not be turned out of the way by the foolish. 35−10 Even those whom he has made free, will come back again; they will come with songs to Zion; on their heads will be eternal joy; delight and joy will be theirs, and sorrow and sounds of grief will be gone for ever.» [The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Old Testament]. ![]() The other publications about this discovery now is found only in Russian language.
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